25 excellent tips to improve your jQuery

Here are few excellent tips when you write code in jQuery.

  1. Load the framework from Google Code
  2. Use a cheat sheet
  3. Combine all your scripts and minify them
  4. Use Firebug’s excellent console logging facilities
  5. Keep selection operations to a minimum by caching
  6. Keep DOM manipulation to a minimum
  7. Wrap everything in a single element when doing any kind of DOM insertion
  8. Use IDs instead of classes wherever possible
  9. Give your selectors a context
  10. Use chaining properly
  11. Learn to use animate properly
  12. Learn about event delegation
  13. Use classes to store state
  14. Even better, use jQuery’s internal data() method to store state
  15. Write your own selectors
  16. Streamline your HTML and modify it once the page has loaded
  17. Lazy load content for speed and SEO benefits
  18. Use jQuery’s utility functions
  19. Use noconflict to rename the jquery object when using other frameworks
  20. How to tell when images have loaded
  21. Always use the latest version
  22. How to check if an element exists
  23. Add a JS class to your HTML attribute
  24. Return ‘false’ to prevent default behaviour
  25. Shorthand for the ready event

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